Sunday, March 27, 2005


Christ is risen from the dead! ("O death, where is your sting?")-- here we have hope for eternal life: for, while we experience death because of sin, Christ has conquered sin; and therefore all of sin's eternal effects-- namely, eternal death. In him, we have eternal life. Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever!

The Easter Triduum in Rome was amazing. Holy Thursday Mass at the very church where St. Peter himself rests... Good Friday in the very place where Michaelangelo's "Pieta" stands... The Easter Vigil in the cradle of the Catholic Church, where the Pope lives and where six continents of people are represented, all receiving Eucharist in this universal communion.... Easter Sunday itself in St. Peter's Square in great sunshine....

Truly, an Easter Triduum of a lifetime! And I saw the Pope (and he is doing much better than what the media reports-- despite his being unable to speak. You could tell, though, he was very sad by being unable to preside over the week's activities. As the curtain to his apartment closed today after his blessing, you could still see him looking at the crowd....)

Just before the Easter Vigil, taken in the living room...


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