Thursday, April 21, 2005

He was then asked by another guy who wanted to use his guitar. Steve let him use the guitar, thinking it was going to be a short song—one of those “let me see your guitar for a second” sort of deals. Well, the guy started playing a Spanish/Italian mix of a song. And this brought both groups of people together in the center of the Square.

Soon, a circle of people started dancing. 10 people dancing grew to 20, then 30. Soon, I found myself in this circle, along with Lisa and Janet. 30 became 50 and then 150. A huge crowd began to amass around the circle. The song became loud enough where the media heard—they flocked to see the “Youth Celebrate their New Papa.” Jamie, our personal paparazzi, had camera rolling. So did the BBC, as Lisa was on world-wide news.
As more people joined us and sang, more flags were waved. “Truly, the Church is universal,” Lisa said. Indeed it is. An hour after Steve’s guitar was “borrowed,” we began to face the dilemma of getting it back. I joked with him about how he was going to cause an international disturbance if he tried to get it back; and how he might be the first to be excommunicated under Benedict XVI if he asked for his guitar.


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