Thursday, April 21, 2005

Well, an hour into the evening session of the second day of the conclave, we saw smoke!!! All of St. Peter’s Square goes in an uproar: “LOOK!!!!! SMOKE!!!!”

But, it is windy. And there are low clouds about. And we don’t know what color the smoke is. And we’re really not too sure if this is after the first vote or the second vote. And the bells aren’t ringing.

But, people around us are staring a little harder at the smoke. Some jump up and down, believing that it is white, trying to convince others that what they see is the sign of a completed conclave. Others look around, looking for an answer.

Clapping and a roar of excitement bubbles in corners of the Square. Several waves roll through the crowd, but none remain. We just aren’t sure. Could it be that we have a pope after just four votes? No……. right?


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