Thursday, July 10, 2008

This is Spanish Kung Fu

So Montezuma has been conquered (... again) and studies have been moving right along.... In order to facilitate greater hearing comprehension (and perhaps improve our spoken vocabulary), all of us guys, with our wonderful profe Rosendo, spent our free time this afternoon at the movie theaters. Hmmm... what to choose!

Eenie meanie miney, MO!

But... but... IT'S IN ESPAÑOL!!!! (... excellent!)

All in all, it was an ok movie. From a cinematic standpoint, the animation was superb and the "choreographed" fight scenes were pretty much flawless. From the perspective of plot, it was predictable (but, what do you expect? It's a kid's movie!), yet nevertheless endearing. The element that brought down the movie for me, however, was its zen-centering-new-age-yin-yang-dualistic-pantheistic-you-are-the-dragon, Dragon, overtone. I've encountered too much of the "I'm one with the universe and the universe is one with me" kind of thought to spend much more energy discussing it. After all, isn't it socially acceptable to believe whatever it is you want to believe, so long as it doesn't hurt anybody? (Whereas having a movie that indoctrinates kids in Christian moral thought would be entirely scorned as "close-minded," of "dark ages" origin, and ultimately "bigoted").

Thankfully, these guys already say everything that I want to say. KUNG *POW!*

On our way home, we found some pretty interesting things. Thanks to Craig, we noticed that the trees along San Fernando (the big street that runs parallel to our house)-- we noticed that the trees are numbered. Interesting.

Here, Craig is pointing out how this tree, number 39, is of a different species than number 40; however, this tree is related to number 36-- the relation comes from a weird genetic mutation wherein the bark on tree 39 somehow reverses itself and forms a 36.

Come, I show you!

See? The bark on 39/36 is much different than the species 41!

In other crazy things that we saw on our way home, Tony pointed out a bird cage on a car. Wow, Tony!-- that IS interesting !!!

And, lastly, from our fun-around-town folder, here below is a picture from yesterday on our "drive" home. I place "drive" in quotation marks because it was more like a "saunter." And by "saunter" I mean crawl. In fact, traffic was so bad...

... how bad was it?....

It was so bad that vendors were selling tortillas and refreshments on the major highway.

Mmmm, nothing makes the drive home for dinner more tolerable than having dinner on the drive home! Yummy!


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