Friday, July 11, 2008

This is Still Legal


I'm going to Teotihuacan on Saturday-- that is, the place where, just prior to the Aztecs, indian tribes sacrificed human beings to the sun. They did this (that is, cut out people's hearts and place those still-beating hearts into boxes) because it was believed that such murderous killing influenced the rising of the sun. Oooops.

Today, it is believed that by sacrificing a woman who lives in her mother's womb, that killing that baby girl will somehow influence her mother's being woman.

All of the unborn babies in this video can be legally killed in the United States.

... oops.

In other news, Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) has this to say about my posting:

(you can catch the entire interview here-- or as a transcript!)

Well, that sounds... eugenic. Very Hitler-esque.

Ok, but Ms. Sanger, do you believe infidelity is a sin?

SANGER: Well, I'm not going to specify what I think is a sin. I stated what I think is the worst sin.

Yes, but then you asked me to say what-- and I said what and ah-- you refuse to answer me?

SANGER: I don't know about infidelity, that has many personalities to it-- and what a person's own belief is-- you can't, I couldn't generalize on any of those things as being sins.

Murder is a sin...

SANGER: Well, I naturally think murder, whether it's a sin or not, is a terrible act.

Well, that's interesting....

And many people agree with Ms. Sanger...

... like Barack Obama-- who "will not yield" to pro-life concerns, and will continue in the "tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her."

UPDATE: Over at the blog "Heirs in Hope," there is an amazing piece that concerns this issue. I post it here because it hits on the oft-forgotten point that those who are in the throes of abortion and its culture are often in a lot of pain-- and need our prayers and help.

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