This is Not All in My Head
Today, I have been pondering my relationship with God-- do I really love him, do I really believe (and do I believe him to be a truly loving God)? And, if the answers are "yes," then why am I here in Rome-- why should I, of all people, possess this opportunity? But, this isn't an "opportunity" per se-- for, opportunity either means something given by chance or something given because it was deserved. Well, I'm a sinner-- a pretty bad one at that-- and I really don't deserve this opportunity. So too, if I answered "yes" to my above God questions, then I cannot believe in chance. Thus, I am in a bit of a quandry: I have been given an undeserved and purposeful opportunity. I have been given a gift.
And, again, if I answer "yes" to belief in a loving God, then (coupled with my above conclusions) I have been given a gift out of sheer love. Like a love-letter or roses to Valerie (or whomever your significant other is), this gift is freely given. It is given out of love, for love, by love, and with the hope that it will be reciprocated, either to Him who gives and is love, or to those He created out of love. Thus, "to those who are given much, much is expected."
I, who have been given so much, must give so much-- and not merely in return (as in payment), but out of love. Motivated by love itself, I must love. The spring of life which I receive not just by being here in Rome, but in the EUCHARIST-- this spring of life which never leaves one thirsty-- I must allow to flow, to bubble over, and to spill out onto all. This food is real food and this drink is real drink-- whoever eats of it will never hunger, whoever drinks of it will never thirst.
This gift, of Rome, of the Eucharist, of Christ himself-- and for me, mind you!-- must be given in return and given out of love; it mut be motivated by love, by God, namely: the Holy Spirit. I proclaim, then, from the window of my room, to all the Roman forum and to all the world: "COME HOLY SPIRIT!"