Friday, August 01, 2008

This is Homeward Bound

Well, I am on my way home. Haven't had much time to blog the last few days, what with pastoral activities, social engagements, and a final exam mixed in. I still have quite a few amazing pictures and stories to share. I will do that off and on over the course of... well... I don't know. For now, all I know is that: it is late; I am going home; on Sunday, I am heading to Wisconsin for a retreat with former-St. Louis bishop Burke; and then to Colorado for some much-needed "me" time; concluded with the start of my pastoral assignment, a wedding, and other various assundry items. Ok, I'm rambling now. That means I'm tired. Dios te bendiga!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is a Mexican Birthday

One last post before returning to St. Louis.... This comes from Tim's birthday a couple weeks back (yeah, I'm way behind on my blogging). Anyway, it was an awesome surprise-- not only for Tim, but for the whole household. You see, our wonderful "mothers" (you know who you are!), acquired a piƱata for Tim's birthday. We also had some AMAZING cake on Spiderman plates with refreshments (like Dissarrono) in Spiderman cups. Our smiles were as big as the mountains surrounding the city. "Giddy," I think is the best word that describes it all.

Pictures will not do here. You must check out the video.

Really, there is nothing like giving Spiderman a thorough beat-down. Ha!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This is Much Better

What a difference a visit makes! A couple weeks ago, I wrote about visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and how I felt that something was lacking, how too the grounds felt like an amusement park. Well, I visited the Our Lady once last time during this particular trip in Mexico, and-- what can I say?-- things were much better.

Maybe it was taking a taxi in no traffic (it was a Sunday morning, after all). Maybe it was getting some much needed time to just sit and pray in the various places at the shrine. Maybe it was getting the special privilege-- and, really, an amazing gift-- to assist at a Mass in the upper-tier of chapels in the shrine. Maybe it was being able to finally take home some gifts from the shop. Maybe, just maybe, it was scenes like this:

[it is often seen in the square: pilgrims traveling the last yards to the basilica on their knees.]