Sunday, March 27, 2005

This is Next Sunday...

...and that would be Divine Mercy Sunday. Divine Mercy Sunday (the first Sunday after Easter) celebrates the abundant love of God the Father, given to us through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. By this complete offering of himself, Christ opened the complete outpouring of the love of God the Father-- love which forgives sins and offers us to become sharers in His divine life in heaven. Truly, by Christ's life and death, we become destined to be God's "sons and daughters" (2 Cor 6:18); saved from eternal darkness and death, given purest love. This filial adoption is brought by an ocean of mercy, an ocean of love. As we are baptized by water into the faith, God embraces (and not condemns) our humanity. Thus, as he reaches out in loving splendor for us, we are invited (just as fathers invite sons and as mothers invite daughters) to be embraced and to share this love with others. His love and his mercy are deeper than any ocean! This Sunday, let us find joy in this love and this mercy. Let us be able to say that Christ's sacrifice was sacrifice for the totality of us. Once and for all. Let us trust this gift and find peace. "Jesus, I trust in you."

Oh great ocean of mercy!
I have uncovered a stone from my sandy beach
and cast it headlong into your crashing waves!
Tell me, great depth, what shall you do now?

Will you at last end your barrage
and let the phalanx of merciful waves desist?
Will you not see what I have done
and desert this relentless crave?

Certainly, you must have felt something!—
nevertheless you crash besides.
But, did you not settle for just a bit?—
yet my rock, and others, you possess.

Then, most infuriating creature,
you are a never-ending wall!
A frustrating, obstinate, and prideful child
who takes and never gives!

But… you approach. And approach again:
lapping water and an occasional starfish upon the shore.
(Be near me feet, else you get washed!)
Yet, with one big wave you make thoughts moot.

O embracing ocean! circling ‘round,
I shall fight no more, else I will drown.
O destroy my wall, (please forgive!),
and let your love abound!

~Anthony Gerber


Christ is risen from the dead! ("O death, where is your sting?")-- here we have hope for eternal life: for, while we experience death because of sin, Christ has conquered sin; and therefore all of sin's eternal effects-- namely, eternal death. In him, we have eternal life. Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever!

The Easter Triduum in Rome was amazing. Holy Thursday Mass at the very church where St. Peter himself rests... Good Friday in the very place where Michaelangelo's "Pieta" stands... The Easter Vigil in the cradle of the Catholic Church, where the Pope lives and where six continents of people are represented, all receiving Eucharist in this universal communion.... Easter Sunday itself in St. Peter's Square in great sunshine....

Truly, an Easter Triduum of a lifetime! And I saw the Pope (and he is doing much better than what the media reports-- despite his being unable to speak. You could tell, though, he was very sad by being unable to preside over the week's activities. As the curtain to his apartment closed today after his blessing, you could still see him looking at the crowd....)

Just before the Easter Vigil, taken in the living room...

The Triduum was a very busy time for all of us in Rome. The 40-minute walk to and from the Vatican for each celebration began to take its toll after a while. And today (for the most part), we rested. For the second time this year, we had a major feast at the house-- dinner was cooked by the women.. and the men cleaned (and brought the wine... you know, just to make sure our masculinity wasn't lost).

During this past week, I did a lot of reading (Bible, Catechism, "Ecclesia de Eucharistia") and wondering around Rome. As I was on break from school, I truly made this week a week of relaxation and contemplation-- enjoying the time I had to do so and read and to walk.

I again didn't take too many pictures, as I know that in the upcoming weeks, my camera will be getting a workout.

St. Anthony

Which brings me to what I'm going to be doing this week: I'm crossing the Adriatic Sea on a ferry tomorrow and landing in Croatia. There, I will be going to Medjugorje, a place where Mary has "supposedly" been appearing for a while. Now, I believe in appearances of Mary... if we truly believe her to be "full of grace" and that the "Lord is with thee," then truly she would take interest in God's creation. In fact, it can't be denied that as Christ says, "Behold, your son" to Mary (referring to John and to the world) that Mary wishes to constantly bridge heaven and earth, showing us how great Christ's love is for us (love which meant his death on a cross).

Ok, so this I believe. I just don't believe in Mary appearing in some potato chip or some window that was warped by the sun or something. Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't discount Mary's presence in the world-- I'm just thinking that we should really be mindful of when she truly appears versus when we feel her presence. There is a thin but very solid line between the two.

Me, I'm heading off to Medjugorje this week to see what is going on there. I am, in a way, like Thomas who doubts Christ's resurrection: "Let me touch his hands and his side" I'm going as a believer-- but as a believer whose faith seeks rational understanding.

This is at Suzanna (our "Mother Superior)'s birthday feast. She is Croatian-- and the guy behind me is Croatian too. I have just eaten the most delectable Croatian meat ever. And my "Mmmmmmm!" reaction brings smiles to all--especially the Croatian guy whose smile is classic here. Oh, and notice the "Happy Day" orange juice carton on the table. Not a coincidence.

So, as I head off to Medjugorje for the week, I will have no other posts until next Monday when I return. Of course, when I do return, I will have much to post. I'm just hoping that I will have time to do so (especially since I head off to southern Germany that very Tuesday). So, check back next Monday!

Until then, keep praying for me! And God bless you all!!!

This angel was carrying a heavy-looking water jar. I hope he wasn't too angry with me trying to tickle him..... (oh, and for the record, my hair got cut today).